Scrum - Concepts

by - 10:59 AM


Product Owner - Maximize the value of the product and managing the product Backlog.

Scrum Master - Scrum Masters make sure that the Scrum team is abiding by the Scrum theory and its rules.

Development team - Has 3 to 9 Cross functional members who carry out all tasks.



Sprint / Iteration - Time boxed effort which has duration of 2-4 weeks. 

Sprint planning establishes a sprint goal and development of required product backlog items which will be documented into Sprint Backlog.

Daily Scrum - 15 Minutes call. (Team shares - Yesterday task status, Today plan and any challenges)

Sprint review - End of Sprint. Reviews completed work progress to stakeholders. 

Sprint Retrospective - Identify lessons and improvements for the next sprints.

Backlog Refinement - Ongoing process of reviewing product backlog items



Product backlog - Work Breakdown with ordered list of product requirements. Formats include user stories and use cases.

Sprint Burn down chart - A completed sprint, showing remaining effort at the end of each day.

User Story – Describes one (or) more features of a software system.

Story Point – A story point is a measurement used to estimate the efforts required / Difficulty of a user story.

Story point estimation

·         Typically performed at the Product Backlog Grooming before SPINT Planning.

·         Assign a point value to story point.

·         Considering the factors like Amount of Work, Risk and Uncertainty, and Complexity.

Estimation Techniques

·         Planning Poker - All participants use numbered playing cards and estimate the items.

·         Affinity Mapping - Finding similarities in the estimated items.

·         T-Shirt Sizes - Items are estimated into t-shirt sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL.

·         Dot Voting - Each person votes using small stickers for the individual items. The more dots is bigger size.


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