Types of Software Environments

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How many environments should one have from requirements to release ..?💩

There is always this debate.

It's important to recognize that the types and number of environments are not set in stone. They vary significantly from company to company, and even within different sets of requirements.

Some companies have staging, some dont, some have pre-prod, and some dont.

Striking the right balance between having fewer environments and more environments is not a simple task

Each approach has its own set of pros and cons, and finding the optimal number is a challenge worth discussing.

What might work well for one might not work well for others.

The idea is to have a minimal number of environments that help a company deliver software that meets all the requirements.

The decision on the number of environments is based on various factors, such as the software's complexity, the development team's size, release schedules, maturity of the team, compliance requirements, and others

Some common environment types:

✔️ Local Environment
Developer's personal machine setup for writing and testing code.

✔️ Development (Dev) Environment

Centralized environment for collaborative code development and initial testing.

✔️User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Environment
Environment where end-users or stakeholders test the application to ensure it meets their requirements.

✔️ Staging Environment
Production-like environment used for final testing before deployment to production.

✔️ Pre-production Environment
Environment for final checks and balances, often similar to staging but may serve additional pre-launch validation.

✔️ Production Environment
Live environment where the application is deployed and used by end-users in real-time.

✔️ System Test Environment
Environment for comprehensive testing of the complete application system to verify it meets specified requirements.

✔️ Build Integration Environment
Environment where code is compiled, built, and integrated, often involving continuous integration processes.

✔️ Sandbox Environment
Isolated environment for experimenting and testing without affecting other environments.

✔️ Performance Test Environment
Environment for testing the application's performance under various conditions and loads.

✔️ Backup Environment
Environment to test and ensure the effectiveness of backup and restore procedures.

✔️ Training Environment
Environment set up to train new users or developers on the application without risking production data or functionality.

✔️ Beta Environment
Pre-release environment where a select group of users can test new features and provide feedback before a full production release.

✔️ Multi-tenant Environment
Environment for testing applications that serve multiple clients (tenants) with proper data segregation and resource allocation.

✔️ Chaos Environment
Environment where intentional disruptions are introduced to test the system's resilience

#TypesOfEnvironment, #Environment

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