Twitter/X System Design / Architectural by Hina

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Twitter/X System Design - Architectural Breakdown 

1. Clients: The users interacting with the platform.

2. Load Balancer: Distributes incoming requests efficiently across servers.

3. HTTP Push/WebSocket: Ensures persistent connections for real-time updates.

4. Timeline Service: Manages home and user timelines to deliver personalized feeds.

5. Tweets Writer: Handles the creation and storage of tweets in the database.

6. Fanout Service (Async): Updates cache entries for followers asynchronously.

7. Apache Storm/Heron: Processes trends data for real-time analytics.

8. Search Service (Earlybird based on Lucene): Provides robust search functionality.

9. Redis Cluster: Manages in-memory data storage for fast data retrieval.

10. Zookeeper: Maintains the Redis cluster, ensuring system reliability.


#Architecture, #Twitter

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