Critical Thinking - Questions

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Over 90% of people lack critical thinking skills.

They're becoming more rare and valuable every day.

But what exactly is critical thinking?

In simple terms, it means:

— Closely analyzing information to form a judgment
— Questioning what you see, hear, and read
— Not just accepting things at face value

Why is this important?

Because it helps you:

— Make better decisions
— Solve problems more effectively
— Avoid being misled by false information

In a world full of noise and distractions,
critical thinking helps you cut through the clutter.

How can you improve your critical thinking?

➟ Start by asking the right questions.

It takes practice. But it pays off in every aspect of life.

So, the next time you encounter information,
don't just accept it.

Question it. Analyze it. Think critically about it.

The quality of your thinking determines
the quality of your life.

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