Japanese Leadership Philosophies

 Referred Link - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7214304412935041025/ 

Effective application of Japanese philosophies to leadership hinges on EQ.

Japanese philosophies shaped Steve Jobs' leadership style.

Here are 8 Japanese concepts that can redefine the way you lead and innovate.

1. Kaizen:
⇥ Small changes, monumental impacts.
Encourage your team to champion continuous improvement,
↳ transforming your business one step at a time.

2. Ikigai:
⇥ Unlock passion.
Align your team's work with their deepest passions
↳ for unparalleled motivation and fulfilment.

3. Nemawashi:
⇥ Consensus is key.
Involve your team early,
↳ fostering a culture of collaboration and shared decision-making.

4. Oubaitori:
⇥ Celebrate uniqueness.
Recognise individual strengths.
Craft personalised growth journeys free from comparison.

5. Gaman:

⇥ Perseverance as virtue.
Lead with patience,
↳ supporting your team in building resilience through every challenge.

6. Kintsugi:
⇥ Embrace imperfection.
Cultivate a culture
↳ where mistakes are golden opportunities for growth and learning.

7. Shu-Ha-Ri:

⇥ Master the stages of learning.
By guiding team members from following to innovating,
↳ we create an environment where growth and mastery go hand in hand.

8. Mottainai:
⇥ Efficiency is respect.
Instil a mindset of sustainability,
↳ valuing resources and minimising waste
↳ for a greener, leaner operation.

These principles aren't just lessons.
They're a way of life.
By integrating these concepts into our leadership styles,
↳ we don't just build better businesses.
We craft a better world.


#JapanesePhiliosophies, #Leadership

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