Tips for new programmers

by - 10:52 AM

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0- Never stop hashtaglearning. 1- Start slow and strong. 2- Learn from your mistakes. 3- Don't underestimate yourself. 4. Get a mentor. 5. Form a hashtagprofessional network. 6. Document as much as you can. 7. Do not forget to get things done. 8. Learn how to hashtagGoogle. 9. Learn your tools thoroughly. 10. Always stick to one task at a time. 11. Programmers fail most of the time. 12. Read a lot of code. 13. Write tests as you code. 14. Plan your code before you write it. 15. Write lots of code and have it reviewed. 16. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 17. Different people find different things easy. 18. Your work can be only 80% complete. 19. Be aware that the only constant in the hashtagprogramming world is change. 20. Take pride in what you build but don't attach ego to your code. 21. Everyone is zero at the time of starting. 22. NEVER GIVE UP.

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