10 Tips For A Happy And Productive Day by Alexis Nicole Berdine

by - 9:06 PM

Referred Link - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-tips-happy-productive-day-alexis-nicole-berdine

Follow these easy steps to improve your day!

Your alarm is going off for the sixth time, so you jump out of bed and hurry to throw on the closest T-shirt and jeans that you can find. You already know that today is going to be a rough one.
But not every day has to feel so rushed and difficult. Set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier than usual and follow these simple tips to create a day that is happier and more productive. 
You'll thank me in the morning. 

Give Thanks. 

As soon as you wake up just lie there and take a moment to think of the things that you are grateful for. 


Before you get out of bed just give your body a moment to relax and wake up by stretching.

Make Your Bed. 

It can be easy to run out the door with your sheets still in a mess but by making your bed you can change the whole look and vibe of your room to a more put-together feel.


Get a quick workout in by doing a few jumping jacks, crunches or squats if you don't have time to head to the gym. Working out in the morning is the best time to get your blood flowing and boost your metabolism for the rest of your day.

Look Good Feel Good. 

Throw on one of your favorite outfits, or curl your hair because when you look good, you feel good! 

Eat A Light Breakfast. 

Grab a yogurt, protein shake, granola bar or avocado toast to fuel your day. By eating something light in the morning you won't be bloated for the rest of the day and you will have the energy needed to tackle whatever comes your way.

Take Your Vitamins. 

Balance your body out by taking a multivitamin early on in your day. 

Listen To Upbeat Music. 

Plus in your headphones on your walk to class or work, or turn up the stereo on your drive. By listening to positive, upbeat music you can start your day with an optimistic vibe.

Drink Lots Of Water. 

From the time you wake up until you fall asleep be sure drink water throughout your day. This will keep you from getting headaches and will help to keep your skin clear and glowing!

Make A List. 

Plan out what you need and hope to accomplish during your day by writing it down in a planner or on a note pad. You will feel good as you cross each task off and this will keep you motivated to keep accomplishing more. 

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