10 Things Your Child Might Not Say, but Wants to!

by - 11:28 AM

Referred Link - http://www.ameliochildcare.com/blog/?p=84

1. I love it when you keep hugging and kissing me. I don’t think I can ever get too much of it!
2. It’s okay to be strict with me. In fact, it’s probably better for me. I may not always like it, but I’m sure I will be glad in the long haul.
3. Don’t give me everything I want. Sometimes I ask just to test you and see how much I can get.
4. I get confused when you keep changing your mind. Please be consistent, especially when you are disciplining me.
5. There are things that scare me which you might not understand. Please try. Don’t tell me I am being silly.
6. Don’t be upset when I say “I hate you”. It’s not you I hate, but your power over me.
7. I love to ask questions. That’s the way I learn. Please don’t make me stop asking you.
8. I know you love me and don’t ever want to see me hurt. But it’s alright to allow me to make my own mistakes and face the consequences. Sometimes it’s the best way for me to learn.
9. Please don’t make promises you know will be difficult to keep. I feel really bad when you do and when the promise is broken.
10. I love you very much. You are the most important person in my life. And I love everything you do for me. But most of all, I love it when we just have fun, play and laugh together. Thank you for the fun times we have together.

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