Enabling Reply To All in Outlook 2010

by - 10:36 AM

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Step 1 : Enable Developer Tab
On the File tab, choose the Options button.

The following figure shows the File tab and Options button in Outlook 2010.
Choosing File, Options in Outlook 2010

Step 2 : Select Customize Ribbon button.

The Customize Ribbon button

Step 3:  Select the Developer check box.

The Developer check box in the Word Options dialog
Enabling Reply To All

The following steps describe how to recover Reply To All functionality. These steps has been tested on Outlook 2003 and 2007, but should also work for other versions of Outlook.

Step 1: Reduce your Outlook security settings
In Outlook, go to Tools, Macro, Security.... In the dialog box, select Medium or Low security.
Step 2: Download the Macro file
Download the macro file from http://community.haskell.org/~ndm/darcs/office/ReplyToAll.bas, by right clicking and saving the module. Save it on your Desktop.

Step 3: Import the Macro file
In Outlook, go to Tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor.

In the Microsoft Visual Basic editor go to File, Import File.... Select the macro file you saved previously on your Destop named ReplyToAll.bas.
Close the Microsoft Visual Basic editor.
Step 4: Add the buttons
In Outlook, go to Tools, Macro, Macros.... Select the Macro ReplyToAll_AddButtons and hit Run.
Using Reply To All
  • Now, in Outlook, click on a Reply To All button in the main window.
  • The first time hitting Reply To All after starting Outlook you may get a security warning - if so just click Enable Macros.
File Content of  ReplyToAll.bas,
Attribute VB_Name = "ReplyToAll"

Option Explicit
Private Const ReplyToAll_Id As Integer = 355
Private Const ReplyToAll_MyTag As String = "ReplyToAll_MyTag"

Public Sub ReplyToAll_Run()
If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count >= 1 Then
Dim o As Object
Set o = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
If TypeName(o) = "MailItem" Then
Dim mi As MailItem
Set mi = o
Exit Sub
End If
End If
MsgBox "Cannot Reply to All when no mail items are selected"
End Sub

Public Sub EditMessage_Run()
Dim o As Inspector
Set o = Application.ActiveInspector()
If Not o Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Cannot Edit Message unless run from the a message window"
End Sub

Public Sub DeleteImages_Run()
Dim o As Inspector
Set o = Application.ActiveInspector()
If Not o Is Nothing Then
Dim i As Object
For Each i In o.WordEditor.InlineShapes
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Cannot Delete Images unless run from the a message window"
End Sub

Public Sub ReplyToAll_AddButtons()
' For help on command buttons, see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/201095
Dim bar As CommandBar
Dim added As Integer: added = 0
For Each bar In Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars
ReplyToAll_AddButtonsTo added, bar.Controls
If added = 0 Then
MsgBox "Failed to find any existing Reply To All buttons to replace, please add buttons manually", vbExclamation
Dim s As String
If added = 1 Then s = "" Else s = "s"
MsgBox "Replaced " & added & " ReplyToAll button" & s, vbInformation
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ReplyToAll_AddButtonsTo(ByRef added As Integer, cs As CommandBarControls)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To cs.Count
Dim c As CommandBarControl
Set c = cs(i)
If c.Type = msoControlPopup Then
Dim cpop As CommandBarPopup: Set cpop = c
ReplyToAll_AddButtonsTo added, cpop.Controls
ElseIf c.Type = msoControlButton Then
Dim cbtn As CommandBarButton: Set cbtn = c
If cbtn.ID = ReplyToAll_Id Then
added = added + 1
cbtn.Visible = False
If cbtn.Parent.Controls.Count > cbtn.Index Then
If cbtn.Parent.Controls(cbtn.Index + 1).Tag = ReplyToAll_MyTag Then
cbtn.Parent.Controls(cbtn.Index + 1).Delete False
End If
End If

Dim cnew As CommandBarButton
Set cnew = cbtn.Parent.Controls.Add(, , , cbtn.Index + 1, False)
cnew.FaceId = cbtn.FaceId
cnew.Caption = cbtn.Caption
cnew.DescriptionText = cbtn.DescriptionText
cnew.Style = cbtn.Style
cnew.Tag = ReplyToAll_MyTag
cnew.OnAction = "ReplyToAll_Run"
End If
End If
End Sub

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