Instagram Architecture by Santosh Kumar Mishra

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📸 Instagram's Tech Behind the Scenes 🛠️

Ever wondered how Instagram runs so smoothly? 🤔 Let's break it down:

🔐 Authentication Gateway (Auth): Verifies your login info to ensure security.

🔄 Load Balancer: Distributes traffic evenly for a speedy experience.

📖 Read Server: Handles data requests like user profiles and posts.

📤 Write Server: Manages uploads, from photos to videos.

🌐 Content Delivery Network (CDN): Swiftly delivers images and videos.

🧠 Memcache: Temporarily stores data for faster retrieval.

📚 Feed Generator Service: Creates personalized feeds for every user.

🔔 Notification Server: Keeps you updated with notifications.

📷 Photo Storage (HDFS/S3): Securely stores your photos.

🔁 Photo Storage Replica: Ensures redundancy and reliability.

💬 Chat Notification to Online Users: Connects you with online friends.

These gears work together, making Instagram the seamless experience we love! 🚀 Next time you scroll, appreciate the tech magic behind it all.

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